Brussels Airport Company - Altitude Privacy Statement

1. Introduction

Brussels Airport Company NV (hereinafter: "Brussels Airport") highly values your privacy and aims to protect your personal data in accordance with (i) the General Data Protection Regulation of 25 May 2018, or "GDPR", (ii) the Belgian Act of 30 July 2018 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and (iii) the general Brussels Airport's Privacy Statement.

As part of the 'Altitude services', Brussels Airport processes certain personal data. The types of personal data being processed and the conditions under which such personal data are being processed, are further clarified in this "Altitude" Privacy Statement. The conditions of this Privacy Statement apply in addition to the Brussels Airport's Privacy Statement. In the event of any inconsistency between both, the terms of this "Altitude" Privacy Statement will take precedence. Any capitalised terms not defined herein shall have the meaning ascribed to them in the Brussels Airport Privacy Statement or de Terms & Conditions of "Altitude".

2. Processing personal data under "Altitude"

2.1. Visitors of the "Altitude" website

The "Altitude" website (main page) is freely accessible. Any person can visit this website without having to identify himself.

If you visit the "Altitude" website and do not make an "Altitude" reservation, Brussels Airport only processes a limited amount of personal data.

  1. a) Types of personal data and purposes

    • Electronic data and information about your online / website behaviour: i.e. the IP address of your electronic device or data that tells us how you use the "Altitude" website (e.g. type of browser and pages visited). This information is collected through cookies or other automatic technologies and is processed to evaluate and improve the website and provide technical support (see Cookie Statement for more information).

  2. b) Data retention

    The data for electronic identification and information on your browsing behaviour are processed during the retention period of the respective cookie(s), as stated in the Cookie Statement.

2.2. Altitude Members and fellow passengers

  1. a) Types of personal data and purposes

    • Identification data and contact details: your name, first name, address, e-mail address and phone number are processed to (i) identify you and (if applicable) create your personal account, (ii) execute your agreement with Brussels Airport and (iii) facilitate communication between you as an Altitude Member and Brussels Airport. Furthermore, your date of birth, nationality, passport number and expiry date are requested to be able to do the check-in for the corresponding flight and to prepare the required documents and formalities.

    • Flight data: i.e. information relating to your flight which is communicated when you make your reservation, such as flight number, airport of departure and arrival and flight date;

    • Payment data: name of the cardholder, card type and last 4 digits of the card. The flight and payment data are processed to (i) execute your agreement with Brussels Airport, to be able to perform the invoicing if necessary and (ii) to comply with the legal obligations, including safety and security.

  2. b) Data retention

    We will only keep your Personal Data for as long as necessary for the purposes stated above.

    Your account data (name, first name, e-mail, address and telephone number) are kept as long as your personal account is active. The history of your flights is also kept with your account.

    The other requested personal data will be kept for a maximum of 1 month after the purchase of the "Altitude" services. As soon as this period expires, all data is anonymised or deleted.

3. Sharing personal data in the context of 'Altitude'

3.1. Personal data shared with 3rd Party Service Providers

In order to provide the "Altitude" services, Brussels Airport makes use of services offered by third party providers, including but not limited to IT providers providing hosting services, IT platforms, telecommunications services etc. We provide your Personal Data to these third-party service providers only if this is necessary for the performance of their services or tasks within the framework of the "Altitude" Services.

Such service providers are in any case bound to treat your Personal Data in accordance with the provisions of this Privacy Statement. We cannot, however, be held liable for any damage, direct or indirect, that may result from the misuse of your Personal Data by such service providers.

Nothing contained herein limits or prevents Brussels Airport from disclosing your personal data to the competent authorities further to the request of such competent authorities.

4. Your personal data rights

In accordance with the applicable data protection legislation and if applicable, you have the following rights with regards to (the processing of) your Personal Data:

  • Right of access to your Personal Data;
  • Right to correct your (inaccurate) Personal Data;
  • Right to delete your Personal Data;
  • Right to restrict data Processing;
  • Right to object to data Processing;
  • Right to transfer data;
  • Right not to be subject to automated individual decision-making, including profiling;
  • Right to file a complaint with the Supervisory Authority (Gegevensbeschermingsautoriteit).

The specific rights that you have, including the manner in which you can exercise these rights, are further specified in the Brussels Airport's Privacy Statement. For specific information on the processing of your Personal Data, you can also contact our Data Protection Officer at: or to the DPO - Brussels National Airport, 1930 Zaventem.

Last updated: 10/11/2021